Ras ir-Raħeb

Location of Site:
On the west point of Malta

Type of Dive: By Boat

Well exposed to currents, surge and swell.

Average Depth: 50-60 metres
Maximum Depth: beyond 70 metres

Certification Required: BSAC Sports Diver, PADI Advanced Open Water or equivalent 

The Dive:  
This is a headland jutting out on the West Point of the main island, and it has definitely got to be done as a boat dive. Anchoring at the point is very difficult, because there is only a very small shelf that is about 20 metres, and then the cliffs will plunge vertically to a depth of 70 metres or more.

The boatman should lay the divers close to the cliff on top of this shallow shelf, and the dive consists of choosing your depth. There is a nice cave that is visible from the surface, and exploring this is quite an experience. Please note that this dive is only suitable for the experienced, and should be planned with great care for safety. The sheer cliff face can be disorientating due to the clarity and deep blue of the water.

Fish life here consists of all sorts – Grouper, Bream, Brown Meagres and various Wrasse and Parrotfish, that roam the wall. If you want you can keep following the wall to the west, until you enter ‘Fomm ir-Rih’ Bay, and find yourself in up to 20 metres of water.

