After a year of diving and laughs on the boat, it’s time for our annual get together in slightly more “normal” clothing and warm surroundings.
The Committee is organising the annual Christmas and New Year get together at the iconic Farsons Brewhouse at Imrieħel where parking should be a breeze, on Friday 27 December 2024 from 20:00 onwards.
An inside section of “The Cisk Tap” rooftop level bar will be reserved for us. You’re free to opt between dropping by just for the drinks (paid on cash basis) or to also join in for the finger food (we’re selecting a €25pp menu which you can see in attachment/below).
Note: We need 25 food bookings or else the club will have to pay for the difference from the deposit which would be a waste 🙁
You may wish to bring your better half or a friend, so we hope that reaching this number should be a breeze.
The menu is also appetising enough to cover that number and over as you can see yourself below or in attachment. With a drink or two, you may need to bite something, right?
Click here for booking: – deadline Friday 20 December 2024 – we need to send numbers one week before!
Pre-payment for food via BOV Mobile or Revolut on +35679058635 (David’s), or the Club IBAN MT22VALL22013000000014911496016, alternatively via cash to Mario or David on the next dive.
And irrespective if you can make it or not, the committee wishes you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025!