Update from Committee

The below email has been sent to all members on 10 August 2024 – if you haven’t received it, please let us know as we might need an updated email.

Diving activities:
Sunday Boat dives: these are ongoing thanks to the beautiful weather of the past weeks, letting us go to the lesser visited distant sites. During the week, two night dives have been organised recently. Contact Mario if interested in joining in more.

An Accelerated Diving Procedures and an Ocean Diver (newbie) course are being organised in the coming weeks. If you wish to refer friends or sign up yourself let Mario know via diving@calypsosac.org / 79393393

At the end of the month the club will also be organising the annual underwater cleanup in collaboration with the Malta International Airport foundation. Details out soon.

Additionally, the Club obtained a permit last year to carry out dives at the Filfla Marine Protected Area. The permit has been recently renewed by the Environmental Resources Authority. We hope to have the dives organised in the coming weeks.

Club Premises:
Small minor works are ongoing to further improve what is a ready to use premises, but unfortunately we have yet to conclude the bureaucratic part in order to be able to use the premises for social activities.

At a Planning Authority Board sitting last month it was noted by the Board that the architect handling modifications to the pre-approved permits carried out by the 3rd party needs to clarify further details into his application. Therefore, the matter will be re-discussed at the next Planning Board meeting at the end of this month. We hope the necessary updates will lead to the conclusion of this part, and let us move forward.

We also had a first offer for renting out of Level 3 of the new premises, and the committee has proposed a counter-offer which is being considered. Should anyone you know be interested in the 135sqm shell office space that we have put up for rental, kindly get in touch with the committee members. For pictures / plan, you can contact me on david@calypsosac.org. Our aim in the future is that income from this rental is directed to provide better and more diving related opportunities to club members.

Thanks to various members who in recent weeks have helped at the premises, including Veronica, Josef, Clive, Patrick, Mario Mula and Mario Gauci. Anyone who can spare some time to assist on Tuesday evenings or Saturday late afternoons, let me know.

Social activities:
Our last social activity was the Summer BBQ held last month at Mario & Sarah Gauci’s villa which was attended by about 20 members. The Committee is considering additional activities within current limitations. Your suggestions would be appreciated.

Administrative matters:
WhatsApp Notifications Channel: We finally launched the WhatsApp notification channel last week. The channel is a tool to let you know of events and updates from the club (e.g. Boat dives, social nights, change of diving site starting point etc). Only admins of the channel can post to reduce the amount of bleeps on your mobile. If you haven’t joined it yet, please use this link from your mobile: *********************************** (please contact us for link)

2023 Audited accounts: The Auditor last month completed the audit of the 2023 club accounts and as promised in the AGM 2024, we are attaching them to this email for members’ reference. Any questions / clarifications may be sent to the committee.

We thank you all for your help and participation in the club’s activities and look forward to some great dives and social events in the coming months.


