Boat dive Sunday 4th August – Xlendi Reef

Weather permitting on Sunday the Club will be diving at Xlendi Reef, Gozo –

Boat will leave from the SOUTH QUAY of Cirkewwa at 8.30am, and we will return to  the  jetty approximately by noon.

If you wish to join please enter your booking using the following link.

If you have problems booking using your mobile phone please use the following link

We can offer a light snack for after the dive.

Fresh Maltese Ftira including water for € 4, with soft drink or a small beer for €5.

Ham and cheese baguette including water for EUR 4, with soft drink or a small beer for EUR5. Croissant for EUR2. If you wish to avail yourself of this service, enter your order when you fill in the booking form.

Early booking is recommended.–

Kind regards


Diving Officer

Calypso Sub Aqua Club

